Sunday, 19 October 2014

N Gauge (3) 1/150 Tomytec Shrine

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a great weekend. Today I will be talking about the Tomytec shrine (jinja) set.

The Tomytec shrine, like the hot spring set, is meant to be a supplement to any N Gauge layout or it can be a standalone vignette. I decided to incorporate elements of a matsuri (festival) to busy up the scene. However, this was one of my earlier attempts and I didn't fill up the joints with putty so it looks like the shrine is made up of pre-fabricated sections.

All the parts used were Tomytec parts, from matsuri stalls to cherry blossom trees. I'm using photoshop express on the ipad for effects, please give me feedback on the photos, would original shots be better?

This is the main temple building where the holy relics and statues are placed. The rope in the middle is connected to a bell; when you shake it, you are letting the kami (god/spirit) know that you are asking for his/her help. A high school girl and her mother are probably praying for success in her examinations.

A side view of the main temple building, a mother carrying her child are entering through the side gate.

A portable shrine is returning to the temple after being carried around town. This is done to bring good fortune to every street and home in the township.

Enma えんま (wishing plaques). Pretty much self-explanatory. You write your wishes on the plaques and hang them there. It's more common to see such plaques written in English these days, evidence that tourism is picking up in Japan again.

The traditional Japanese main gate, the tori (とり).

Stalls of the matsuri, including the famous goldfish scooping stall. Can you tell which one is it?

Matsuri stalls from another angle.

Station where you wash your hands before praying.

Overall, this was a great set. I had great fun building it. Please let me know about your views in the comments below. Stay blessed!

PS: I forgot to mention an important fact: my wife helped me take the pictures... Must give credit where it's due! :) 

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